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Writer's pictureMadison Rodriguez

I'm an Artist.

Hey guys, I have a story to share with you. When I was a little girl, I'm not sure what age exactly but 4 or younger, I went to the grocery store with my aunt. As we were checking out, an old woman came up to me and said, "Now what do you want to be when you grow up?" I answered, "I'm an artist!" And the old woman looked at me and said, "No, what do you WANT to be?" And my aunt looked at her and said, "She told you, she IS an artist." There were no need for wants, because I already knew I was an artist. As a little girl, my aspirations were already being fulfilled; I was an artist, a singer, an actress, a fashionista (model)… These are all things I still am and aspire to now pursue professionally. People tell me every day that the things I want to do are unrealistic, that I need to have some “realistic” goals. I can’t wait to prove them all wrong. I am choosing to pursue my dreams in order to be happy and not waste any time. I hope that all of you do the same. Pursue what you love and your job will be worth working for. And pursue it now, because we may not have tomorrow. Pursue your passion, something you’re dedicated to and will never get tired of, something that makes you happy and fulfilled. I wish the best for all of you and your dreams; I know you can do it! Good luck xx Mad

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