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Writer's pictureMadison Rodriguez


Hello everyone, if you know me, you know that I'm VERY political. But even I'M sick of all of these political posts. It's a lot. The media is making it even worse. But I was talking with a friend tonight and we were talking about the people who make judgements and aren't up for debate or any type of discourse to understand another person or belief. A lot of people are using very harsh words against others without proper information or discourse on the topic. How are we supposed to become a better society if we aren't even willing to understand one another before making judgements or putting people in the bubble of stereotypes? I think that discourse is essential for America's society in order for us to prosper. There's a lot of misinformation going around and people are also being very extreme. I will never understand why people choose to riot or use hate speech. If we want to make the world a better place, we need to listen, know our facts (correct ones), and be willing to accept others. It's very hard to change someone and their opinion. I just don't understand why there's not a lot of actual debates on the issues going on, but rather quick replies of retaliation. "I have this opinion because you're wrong and it's obvious-- you're a horrible person." That is not how these topics should be discussed; get the facts, listen to one another, and learn more about why you have your opinion and others have theirs. I know there's a lot going on right now. Please discuss what you're feeling (and with an open mind) before you start labeling people. And keep fighting for what you believe in, but do it logically and respectfully.

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