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Writer's pictureMadison Rodriguez

Accepting Humanity

Hello there everyone! I just watched two YouTube videos from a channel called "StyleLikeU" and I want to talk about the topics of these two videos. The first one I watched was about gender identity and labels. In the video, they interviewed iO Tillett. iO is transgender ftm. I loved the video; iO told this story about his gender revolution, it was beautiful and at the end he talked about how he's irratated with the incessant labeling. At the end of the day, all that matters is that we're people; it doesn't matter what your gender is, just accept people for who they are. This is something I've always believed and something I've always lived by (the idea of who cares about the details, you're a person and I'm going to treat you like I would treat anyone else and that starts with kindness)-- that's how I personally grew up. In the second video, they interviewed Petra Collins, about being a woman and embracing her body hair. I hate that I had to grow up in a time where body hair has been considered so appalling for a woman to have-- I'm embarrassed. I personally do not like body hair on myself because it makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't like the way hair feels on my body to touch like on my legs, private area, or arm pits. The other places on my body with hair don't bother me-- I don't notice it or constantly feel it brushing against me. But again, why does it matter if someone wants to grow out their hair. I'm glad and I'm hoping that by the time I have kids it will be socially accepted for people to embrace their body hair-- we're not totally there yet. But other peoples bodies and their decisions on how to keep up their bodies is nobody else's business. I don't understand why everyone feels the need to give their input on everyone else's lives and the way they live them. But I just hope that everyone can accept people for who they are, for being a fellow human. And I hope people try to make connections with others so that they feel welcome. Everyone should feel welcomed and inclusive and spread positivity, because life is short and we should make the most of it and take opportunities/risks in order to be the best we can and live a happy life. That's all I have for today, but I hope you enjoyed my thoughts on these topics and let me know what your thoughts are. Until next time! xx Mad

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