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Writer's pictureMadison Rodriguez


I hate con-artists. I hate people who manipulate other people into giving them money. And sadly, money is power. When people have money, they can get away with anything. Not paying taxes, murder, buying votes... it's all so sad to me that people care more about money than almost anything else. Apathy is disgusting, yet I'm somewhat envious of apathetic individuals. To have the pleasure of bliss, of not caring for anyone other than yourself. Not having to work hard at all in order to get what you want. I feel like people should have a year or so to reevaluate themselves and figure out who they are if it was up to themselves. Our whole life we are shaped by our environment and our sources of information. When we have the opportunity to find out the truth about ourselves and our world--we should take it. Try new things, figure out what you like, what you believe, what your goals are, etc. Anyway, these are things boggling my mind at the moment. Please feel free to communicate with me about your ideas on these topics, etc. Much love always, xx Mad.

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