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Writer's pictureMadison Rodriguez

Trump, etc.

So today, I was in the school bathroom doing my makeup. Ironically, two different girls came in at separate times to also do their makeup. Noticing our diversity, while also seeing our similarities in humanity and liking makeup... I started thinking about this presidency... AGAIN. I feel like Facebook has finally calmed down a little bit. Everyone is trying to focus on humanity and finding a middle ground, but this morning I was thinking about President Trump. I'm not someone who says "not my president" because Trump is the President of the United States and I am an American, so therefore he is unfortunately the president of my country. I do however consider myself to be Anti-Trump. I do not like Donald Trump and it's not a secret. Honestly, because of this presidency I haven't really wanted to be an American anymore and by that I only mean that I don't really have a desire to live in the United States anymore (but still embrace my culture). Right now I have a desire to move out of my country and for some reason I feel like I want to go somewhere in Europe. I don't know why, for some reason I think I would feel safer in England or Scotland (ironically where his family is from). It's scary to realize how much power presidents still have (which I don't agree with) especially the intimidating-kind like him. In my opinion, this presidency shows how all things need to change or evolve as time goes on and something that hasn't changed much is the highest ranking position you can hold in America, Presidency. Not only America, but the entire world must change its ways in order to better suit its population (for humans, for animals, etc). For example, we've learned that we need to take better care of the environment or else we will ultimately endure the consequences. Back to Donald Trump-- I don't like the way he speaks so unprofessionally, without empathy or concern for anyone else but himself. People tell us every day how important it is for us to be polite and professional in order to obtain positions we desire, yet this is definitely not a good example of how to do so. I've actually realized that money seems to surpass everything people expect of us, which is an utter disappointment and something we need to change in order to evolve as a people. We need to realize that things like money aren't worth anything in the end. It is our experience in life that we will be holding on to when we're on our death bed. And it's about the people we share our life with (which also depends on the person we choose to be). This is what ultimately matters. Donald Trump has proven time and time again not only how un-American he is, but how inhumane he is. Humanity is about all of mankind-- ALL OF MANKIND. Trump does not care about all of mankind. But I also want to make a point of sometime else. I do not believe that people who voted for Trump are inhumane or horrible people. I think everyone has a right to believe whatever it is they believe in. In fact, I know a lot of people who voted for Trump for specific reasons that they cared about and believe he can change. There's definitely a big difference between Trump and the people who voted for him. I do not blame anyone for voting for what they believe in. But that's all for today folks. Let me know what you think. Much love.

xx Mad

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