needed the time and to be in the right headspace. A lot has happened since I last wrote you guys. My dog died, I got a new dog, and I’m STILL trying to make an appointment with my new doctor for personal stuff that I may mention later. Anyway, I finally feel good enough to write passionately, because for me it’s only worth it when I have passion behind what I am writing. I guess I’ll continue the theme of “life update” which is sort of boring, but… School is going by really fast now that we’re in the latter half of spring semester and for some reason my teachers have found it okay to have full weeks off. When we have projects and chapters we need to learn for tests— it’s sort of irritating because I also feel the need to skip class when I don’t feel well enough to attend. I have a lot of tests and projects going on and I’m cramming them all; let’s just say it’s not helping my anxiety. The past two-three weeks I’ve gone back and forth with having a full week of work or merely two days out of the week of work, so that’s “eh”, but at least I have babysitting gigs too. I love kids and getting paid to hang out with them! Victoria and I… well wait… I don’t know if I’ve formally introduced Victoria in my blog posts and YouTube videos, but long story short, she’s my best friend. We do EVERYTHING together and that’s not an exaggeration. To continue, we’ve been going out a lot which is fun. I mean this is the time to do it, right? To go out and not care or have too many responsibilities to just hang out with friends and have fun. We go to open mic nights every week, we volunteer to help out our friends/family, bowl, go to the movies, have beach days— you name it and we’re there. We also go out to eat… A LOT, even though we never really have the money for it. With our credit card payments, uber/bus/car necessities, and my debt from student loans… we only feel right spending our money on food rather than materials. Unless of course we go to Goodwill on a Tuesday and get our student discounts of 25% off. Thankfully we have the makeup subscription, so we don’t need to spend a lot of money on that. As you guys should know if you follow my updates on my Facebook page… I was supposed to film, edit, and post two videos for you guys, but as you can hear how hectic my life has been the past couple of weeks… For the record, I did film one of the videos and edited most of it, but Victoria helped me realize there were way too many cuts in the video for me to post it. So, hopefully soon I can make it again. That one is a favorites video about products I use on the daily that I’d like to recommend to you guys. But I am making another video about my atheism and so I’m still looking for questions that any of you guys would like to know about atheism, what it is to me, what I believe in, etc. If you have any of those questions and would like to be featured in my video, please just post them on my Facebook page wall. That’s all for now, I hope I didn’t bore you guys with this post, it’s pretty lengthy. Hopefully in a couple of days I come out with a new post, more like usual, one that makes people think and bring our thoughts on a topic together. Till then, I love you guys and I hope you have a great day! xx Mad
Life Update: 3-30-17