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Writer's pictureMadison Rodriguez

Orlando United Day 🏳️‍🌈

Today is June 12th and since last year it is now Orlando United Day. Last year was the mass shooting of Pulse night club. A terrorist attack that was the biggest since 9/11 on US soil. 49 people died. Many Latinx, many queer, though not all Latinx or queer. I'm getting really emotional as I'm writing this. When it happened... it felt like an attack of many parts of me. I am young, I like to dance, I am latinx, and I am queer. My people were attacked and killed for no reason other than being themselves. That's something to be ashamed of-- to kill people for being themselves. I am so sorry that they had to die in order to show how united we can become... as a nation. That's what happened. People came together to mourn the loss of beautiful people who felt safe in this environment to be themselves. They are inspiring, they are people we should all look up to. They were brave that. Once they knew what was going on they were brave. I was so happy to see the flags at half mast today. Last year, the President had ordered that the flags be flown at half mast for a week in honor of the victims. I went down Northlake Blvd and walked into every establishment who did not lower there flags and told them to do so. I was a messenger of the President, I was a messenger of those families. I did it because I felt disrespected and I helped enlighten people that day. Every year I'm sure to get emotional on this day. I will always honor those who passed away June 12th at Pulse nightclub. They were my family. They'll always be family. Also, I want to say thank you to all the allies that this doesn't necessarily affect directly, but it does as human beings. We are all humans before we are anything else and I appreciate your support in something that you may not be directly discriminated by, but thank you.

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