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Life Update: Week of Hell (Month)

Writer: Madison RodriguezMadison Rodriguez

Hey everyone, it's been a while, a lot has happened. This month, November, I've had a lot of "final projects" for school. So that's one thing I've been busy with. I'm also still trying to figure out all of my FIU stuff. I have my orientation this week, I still need to finish my financial aid, and figure out where I'm living on campus. This past week in particular has been a doozy. I had a group project due this past Monday and one of my members didn't respond to me and that was very difficult, while my other partner was in Texas and I had to stay in contact with him and get his information for our paper and presentation. When Monday finally came... (me being nervous as hell) I had excruciating kidney pain and I could not stop vomitting. I had to leave my first period class and go to MD Now, thinking that I had a UTI or something. When I got there, they told me that I had to go to the ER immediately because I had a kidney stone. I went to the ER (still non-stop vomitting and having had nothing to eat) and they drew my blood, put me on fluids, pain medicine, and nausea medicine (my second round). I finally started feeling better and they made me do a catscan so that they could identify the kidney stone. Wednesday I tried to go to school again and the pain came back so I had to go home and try to push it out, but nothing came. Of course then was Thanksgiving, I had a good one and I hope you all did as well. I went Black Friday shopping for a new record player and I got a nice one. I also purchased some paint brushes from Michael's to work on my watercolor artwork. Today, I woke up and my mom said that we were putting my dog down. He had a slipped disk in his back and presumable cancer as well and he was not himself anymore, so it was time. That was difficult. Today was Black Friday and I work in the mall so it was crazy. My store surpassed all of its goals, which was great. I was at work for nine hours. After work, I realized I had no more pain medication to help with this kidney stone, so my parents took me back to the hospital to see if we could simply get another prescription, but we had to go through the whole process again. I had my blood redrawn, peed again, and another catscan for them to tell me that I finally made it out of the kidney and soon it'd be at the bladder, so that's good news. So this entire month (especially this week) has just been hell, and because of it I've been pretty silent compared to usual. I'm glad I have this blog though because it honestly helps me so much to share the things that go on in my life and I appreciate each and every one of you that takes the time to log on and read it, so thank you. Happy Holidays and I hope December is better, lol.

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