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I'm In Miami Trick

Writer: Madison RodriguezMadison Rodriguez

Hello Blogfam, it’s been a little bit. I’m sorry I haven’t been as frequent and I’m hoping to get back to that— I just had to settle into my new school/area in MIAMI. So I thought I’d just tell you guys how my experience has been so far. I’ve never lived in Miami, I’ve never even come to “visit” or “roam” around Miami. I’ve solely gone for concerts and big events, like when I came for the Women’s March last year. This is going to be a totally new and different experience because not only am I transitioning to a new school, but I will also be immersed in a new culture, Miami’s.

MOVING IN: I’m living in a dorm on campus and I’m loving it. It’s beautiful; I feel like I’m staying in an apartment or a hotel. We’re really close to the water, so we get the sunshine but also a nice breeze. I have three roommates that I’m falling in love with, and luckily I don’t have trouble creating new relationships with people. I really appreciate all of their hospitality and constant sisterly advice. On another note, and not to brag, but my room is looking SO DOPE right now and I’m really happy to be in an environment (my own) that keeps me happy and inspired even when I’m feeling down or lonely.

ACADEMIA: There’s only been two weeks of school so far, but I’m really enjoying my classes. I’m finally focusing on my major. It’s amazing to feel so enthusiastic and passionate about the things I’m learning. My stepmom has always talked about professors having a level of respect and credibility. Unfortunately something I hadn’t felt before about a professor, but here it happened. I had that moment when one of my professors introduced himself with all of his accomplishments, credibility, PhD, and experience in the field… and in that moment I wanted to cry and call my mom “THIS IS IT!” I’ve gone to three different universities and this one just feels RIGHT. For the first time, I feel happy and peaceful in my learning environment, and even confident in my professors teaching abilities.

FRIENDSHIP: Of course I still talk to Victoria and Hailie every day. I’ve also been talking to my friend LaJayah who will be coming here in the summer, and we’re hoping to room together! But I’ve only made five friends in my classes so far, plus my roommates. Unfortunately none of my friends from school live on campus, so when I’m home at my dorm my roommates are all I’ve got. So I’m going to try and reach out more and make friends that I can hang out with more often. Otherwise I’m just in my room all night, but it’s led to a lot of wall art! (Haha)

HOMESICKNESS: This is a very interesting topic to talk about because unlike before, I don’t feel homesick. Back when I was away at Flagler, I definitely felt homesick. Everything was new and different, and not really in a good way. I was very uncomfortable at that school, so uncomfortable that I was throwing up the first couple of weeks that I was there. I am happy to say that I feel extremely comfortable here in Miami. Surrounded by fellow minorities, who are intelligent, determined, and focused. Everyone I’ve met at FIU takes school seriously (as it should be). I am in a melting pot of ethnicities, which leads to enlightened conversations and endless learning opportunities. The only thing I can think of that I miss from home would probably be the accessibility for me to get around without having a car. It’s a tad different here, but I’m sure I’ll figure something out. And of course I miss hanging out with my best friends, but I’m able to talk with them every day so they don’t really feel so far away.

So that’s how Miami has been so far, I will continue to give you guys updates. Also, with everything going on in politics lately I’m hoping to have some interesting and maybe even controversial posts up soon, so stay tuned!

Much love! xx Mad

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