So I’m sorry to say that turning 21 wasn’t a huge turning point for me. I’m straight edge; which means I don’t smoke or drink. Every time I saw that to someone they’re like “What? Why? You haven’t had even one drink before?” Nope. Once I explain, they halt their questioning. I have bad lines of addiction in my family and I want to help break the chain. Part of me feels like if I start, I won’t be able to break out of it. So the coolest thing about turning 21 for me is being able to stay later in the club. *cough cough Respectables* Every year I feel slightly more respected as an individual, once people know my age. I feel like my whole life I wanted to be older to do more things but then once your older— you’re no longer blissfully ignorant and you carry so much responsibility. Like many have said, growing up is a trap lol. This year, I celebrated accordingly... Top Golf with some friends, lunch at Olive Garden with my boyfriend, and dinner with my family at a local Indian spot called Zaika (9/10 recommend). Then I traveled to Orlando with my best friend as we utilized our Annual Passes! I didn’t realize that it was Presidents Day weekend though, so it was packed to the brim. Every line was over a two hour wait. My favorite parts were going on Tower of Terror, meeting Mike and Sully, and exploring the countries in Epcot. So I’m curious... who reading has turned 21 already and what was your favorite part? xx Mad