You know what… for a while I felt pressured into the idea that feminism is “extra” and “unneeded” and “dramatic”… but it’s not.
I’m online and I’m staring at this picture on Pinterest of three girls… and they’re standing together as you see the backs of them, all unique with different styles and hair colors and their jackets say things like “not your baby” “girl power” and “the future is female”. And I’m thinking to myself, yess! Go on! Tell ‘em! Live freely!
And I think... for a while, women couldn’t live as freely as we’ve dreamed. Our whole lives we’re told that we’re a wife or emotional or our human rights when it comes to our own bodies-- our opinion doesn’t matter.
Men, are told you’re strong and brave, a king, a leader. Men have the opportunity to freely live their lives and strive for great achievements, but women aren’t encouraged the same way… or at least we weren’t (past generations).
Us women in the 21st century, the digital age, millennial women, whatever you want to call it... we are taking back our pride as if it’s been hidden our entire lives. Heteronormativity and strict tradition without evolution has made us think that we’re small and that we don’t matter.
So before you say “oh, they’re being overdramatic”... I dare you, live one day as a woman. We were brought up watching in film/tv that we’re second, that we need to be saved by a man, that we should stay silent. Not anymore. Never again. Not to mention the over-sexualization of women in all forms: film, ads, cat-calling, etc.
This generation is going to raise proud women who are in charge of their own lives for once. Who are heard out, who stand tall, lead, and make change for the human race, for equality, for all. I’m so sick of people thinking feminism is all radical. There are radicals in every movement, not the whole movement, not even half the movement. We want equality, not hierarchy. We love men and we love women and it’s time for us to be treated the same, it’s time for us to be at level-field.