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Writer's pictureMadison Rodriguez

2023: She Will Be UnApologetic

I was so excited for this year and I am.. 2023 will bring a whole new world of possibilities my way. I think I was just expecting to feel a little better the first couple of days of 2023, but honestly I’ve had so much anxiety. Things don’t just automatically feel different and I don’t know when exactly I’m going to start feeling refreshed and new, but I’m gonna get there. (Mercury is in retrograde, so) I feel like so many things have recently changed for me, I’m trying to get used to it all and leave some room to grieve.

Idk what is going to come this year? I can only hope for the best. I know I’ll be met with new challenges but amounting to something greater is never an easy path. I know I will figure it out and I’m just trying to make it through with my support system.

Last year I spent working my ass off, yet feeling constantly criticized and told who I am from people who didn’t really know me. I promised myself that this year I am going to be UNAPOLOGETIC (my word of the year). I feel like my concept for this year is that I am going through a METAMORPHOSIS and it is my year to truly blossom and believe in myself harder than I ever have.

There were many points last year that were hard, lots of tears, and in April my suicidal thoughts were getting the best of me. I promise to be there for myself and to let others be there for me. I truly am so blessed with the friends that I have right now, we’re all so emotionally intelligent. We can dissect things and understand different perspectives. I am still struggling with not getting enough of my #1 love language, which is physical touch, but hopefully I will be closer to people within the next year.

I definitely want to move… I been wanting to move, just I’ve struggled really hard to find a job with stable and amountable compensation. I’ll get there. This year I’m hoping to publish, start a podcast, and travel. I would really love if you guys could help me manifest for the job & income. I think that’s part of the reason my personal instagram has been a little different than usual. I’m trying to find a balance between creating what I love and just being enough as myself. (The weather has also been an issue, but yeah)

Working on motivation and getting out. I want to work out more and hopefully I can get the assistance I’ve needed with my mental health (which has also been a struggle to find), but I’m not giving up. I hope we all have a better year than the last. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of great things happened for me last year too and I’m grateful for them, but this year I’m hoping is even better :-) Making myself a priority this year, and I hope you do too!

xx Mad

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Ivy Ilima Koi
Ivy Ilima Koi

you got this cuz!! i believe in you and ima manifest that stability, that job, that travel, that move & everything for you. sending you so much amors 💕💕💕

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