Most influencers got into this career because they early on were obsessed with social media just for the fun of it. That’s how it happened to me, and now everyday it’s growing more and more into a business. I think working in retail since 2016-17 really changed the way I used social media. Using “word of mouth” or should I say “word of post”... people would ask where I got outfits from or what vegan food was actually worth it and my feed started to change from a personal account to a business. It also shifted in 2016 because I started my blog. I realized I wanted to talk to a larger audience
than my Facebook friends. I see people post disclaimers that they’re having a social media cleanse or that they’re going to be offline for a while to “recoup” from things and sometimes I envy it. The only social I’ve ever taken a break from was Twitter. We all know Twitter is highly polluted with so much information and it can be overwhelming especially when your algorithm is set for your local/national news and it can get depressing. I think my cleanse lasted a month or two. Sometimes you need Twitter, sounds crazy to some people, but it is really reliable for holding the most updated information instantaneously and easily through trending hashtags. What did we even do before hashtags? Well even since my Twitter cleanse, I’ve never been able to shake Instagram. I’m a very visual person so it can be a source of entertainment and business for me. But when it becomes toxic or depressing, where do I go? It’s also hard to post during difficult times in your community because you can be blasted for trying to post something “off topic” when really you’re just trying to forget everything going on around it because you feel like you’re in the middle of a dumpster fire or the eye of a hurricane. And my poor blog; I post on Instagram more now because it’s easier for me to take pictures or post videos of what’s going on than having to write about it and really analyze things going on, again depressing. I become unmotivated to write on my blog, which is how I get away without writing for months on end, vs. Instagram where I feel some sort of internal pressure to post every couple of days so people know I’m alive or to recommend something else that brings me positivity and hopefully share that positivity with someone else. Where do you draw the line? Where is the line of staying informed because your existence relies on it or staying mentally sane and keeping your dopamine at an adequate level? Does anyone else struggle with this? I don’t have many “influencer” friends so I was just wondering 🤷🏻♀️ It’s not that I don’t have other ways to entertain myself or have therapeutic ways to cope like painting or self care, but that can get lonely or boring... sometimes I feel like things like that take up so much of my time and then my day is “wasted”... maybe I should take up some outdoor activities?
