The new year is right around the corner and so it seems it’s time for me to come in with a life update aka blog post to initiate us in, so here we go…
2022… (I feel like we all read that in the same tone)
Boy was it a doozy?..
The economy is absolute fucking shit, everyones getting their 2nd or 3rd round of COVID as the holidays approach and I’ve found a lot of people my age, with degrees, are moving back into their parents house. What a cluster-fuck, right?
Well, I’m here to tell you that it can only get better from here. I don’t see it getting any worse than it already is and all we have is each other at this point.
All we have is kindness, compassion, and the little things to get excited over. We’ve all probably freaked out by now and we’re all just sitting on this stagnant line, waiting for the new year to arrive, to spark joy in our minds. To feel this unexplainable invigoration to accomplish most of our goals this upcoming year.
My goals:
-to get my permit, and then my license
-to get a well paying job (hopefully in my field of marketing)
-to continue growing on social media & work with more brands
-to go back into my villain era of 2020-21 (the epitome of confidence) and to stop caring about what others think and more about what makes me happy
-to be more grateful for the things I have, so there’s room to manifest
-start my podcast
-get an LLC?
And finally…
-save money so I can move on out of here
I’ve decided to get smudge my timeline bit and to be more flexible on where I’m headed (ideally Cali, but if not just anywhere that’s not here)
I’d love to know your goals this year, so let me know in the comments!
I have a feeling that we’re all going back to our villain eras… there’s a lot of confident, bad bitch energy arriving at our front door, so get ready for it!
People are sick and tired of the regular schmegular (especially if they’re not getting paid enough) and are ready to reach for their dreams and to move into their passions. I’m excited for us! It feels like a positive start to the new year.
I hope everyone stays safe over the holidays. I just recovered from COVID and I don’t want anyone to have to go through that shit again, it’s annoying.
I’m looking forward to caring less about what others think, going back to posting whatever the hell I want, and not worrying about how well it’s gonna do (engagement wise). It’s been a lot on me, I don’t know if people will ever “get me” or “get who I am”… but I’ve realized that my real friends do and thats all that matters. I cant continue to make myself small for other people, so this year is gonna be all about me.
Goodluck my friends! I will see you in the New Year (and please be safe as you ring in the NY)
xoxo, M

I love you!!! - Ariel